VIVA Agentina LIBRE!

mattd mattd at
Sat Jan 12 13:44:41 PST 2002

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina  Rioters ransacked banks, destroyed ATM machines
and set fires across downtown Buenos Aires early Friday after a night of
street protests against a government freeze on bank deposits turned violent.
We are all Argentineans. The IMF-backed policies in
Argentina closely resemble the notorious Rogernomics
policies inflicted on Aotearoa by the Lange Labour
government and the succeeding Bolger regime and
consolidated by todays fake left Clark-Anderton government. In both 
Argentina and Aotearoa, these free
business-knows-best policies caused mass redundancies,
greatly impaired social services with spending cuts,
and drove down the average wage. In both Argentina and
Aotearoa, a small minority of the population benefited
massively from the impoverishment of the rest. The
struggle in Argentina is our struggle.Listening Mr Mc Catohead?

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