[ANNOUNCE] OpenSSL 0.9.6h released

Richard Levitte - VMS Whacker levitte at openssl.org
Sun Dec 8 12:55:39 PST 2002

  OpenSSL version 0.9.6h release correction

  A small packaging fault was just discovered.  In crypto/opensslv.h,
  the macro OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER has the value 0x00906080L when it
  should really be 0x0090608fL.  The cause of this fault was a tagging
  error in our CVS repository.

  To solve this issue, the faulty has been corrected, and we have
  rebuilt the 0.9.6h distribution.  The 0.9.6h [engine] distribution
  is unaffected by this.

  The corrected distribution is available for download via HTTP and
  FTP from the following master locations (you can find the various
  FTP mirrors under http://www.openssl.org/source/mirror.html):

    o http://www.openssl.org/source/
    o ftp://ftp.openssl.org/source/

  The distributed file name is:

      o openssl-0.9.6h.tar.gz
        MD5 checksum: 1a0c2bee9f6b0af95ce65106462411f5

  The checksum was calculated using the following commands:

    openssl md5 < openssl-0.9.6h.tar.gz

  Additionally, for those who don't really want to reload a full
  distribution, the following very small patch file is available:

      o openssl-0.9.6h.BOGUS-0.9.6h.patch

  The OpenSSL Project Team...  

    Mark J. Cox             Ben Laurie          Andy Polyakov
    Ralf S. Engelschall     Richard Levitte     Geoff Thorpe
    Dr. Stephen Henson      Bodo Möller
    Lutz Jänicke            Ulf Möller

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