copyright, royalties, micropayments, Finn cabbies to pay

AARG! Anonymous remailer at
Tue Dec 3 20:07:09 PST 2002

mv at (Major Variola ret) writes:

> Finnish taxi drivers to pay royalties for backseat music
> Finland's Supreme Court has ruled taxi drivers must pay royalty fees
> if they play music in their car while a customer is in the backseat.
> The order even applies to the radio.
> A case, based on one driver's refusal to pay, is likely to set a
> precedent for the 9,500 cab drivers in the country.
> Under the ruling, a cab driver in Finland must pay #14 annually for
> playing music while transporting a fare.
> Lauri Luotonen, chairman of the Helsinki Taxi Drivers' Association,
> says the ruling is likely to force most drivers to keep their radios
> off.
> Recently, two Finnish churches refused to pay royalties to the
> country's copyright society for the performance of Christmas hymns.
> The congregations won their case in a district court, but the society
> has appealed.

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