- WiFi activists on free Web crusade - Nov. 29, 2002

Sunder sunder at
Tue Dec 3 09:54:54 PST 2002

Simple.  Signal strength from at least three access points will pinpoint
your location.  If any of the AP's have known GPS coordinates, your
location can be interpolated.

To fix this, change your MAC address (or whatever WiFi uses for that),
randomly every time you move around, and don't share things that can
identify your machine.  i.e don't run things such as SMTP, FTP, Microsoft
File sharing which give away your host name, and don't accept cookies from
web sites that can track you, and make sure your browser doesn't leak your
email address, and be aware that anything you do can be sniffed.

 + ^ + :NSA got $20Bil/year |Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
  \|/  :and didn't stop 9-11|share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
<--*-->:Instead of rewarding|monitor, or under your keyboard, you   \/|\/
  /|\  :their failures, we  |don't email them, or put them on a web  \|/
 + v + :should get refunds! |site, and you must change them very often.
--------_sunder_ at _sunder_._net_------- ------------

On Mon, 2 Dec 2002, Peter Fairbrother wrote:

> What I don't understand is how a node knows the location of a person who
> moves about in the first place.
> Also, I don't like the idea that my location is known by the location of my
> equipment. But I know very little about geographical routing.

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