get me the fuck out of oz

Tim May tcmay at
Mon Aug 19 13:29:03 PDT 2002

On Monday, August 19, 2002, at 01:02  PM, Wilfred L. Guerin wrote:

> death to narnians
> death to lookies
> death to lambs and sheep
> death to nosepickers
> death to all others undesirable...
> possibly even death to praetorians.
> ...
> get me the fuck out of oz, and away from this god forsaken continent.
> advise ultra-heavy response.
> I hear the ukraine has nice dark portallous places and devices? Only a
> suggestion. Any options other than south are viable.
> toodlez.

I've been getting your "special mailings" (i.e., I'm on some list you 
have separate from Cypherpunks) for a few months now.

Whatever contributions you might have made several years ago (I forget), 
your weird writings of the last several months mark you as a loon.

Please remove me from your "special mailings" and please seek 
professional help.

(If in fact you are even the "Wilfred Guerin" of several years ago, as 
opposed to being the Oz-dweller who used to bombard us with so many of 
his similar rants.)

--Tim May

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