Signing as one member of a set of keys

Anonymous remailer at
Fri Aug 9 23:10:19 PDT 2002

Here are the perl scripts I cobbled together to put the ring signature
at the end of the file, after a separator.  I called the executable
program from the earlier C source code "ringsig".  I call these ringver
and ringsign.  I'm no perl hacker so these could undoubtedly be greatly

#! /usr/bin/perl

# Usage: $0 pubkeyfile < filetoverify

die("Usage: ringver pubkeyfile < filetoverify") if @ARGV != 1;

$outfile = "/tmp/sigdata$$";
$sigfile = "/tmp/sigfile$$";
$separator = "  \\+\\+multisig v1\\.0";


-r $pubfile || die ("Error reading $pubfile");

open (OUTFILE, ">".$outfile) || die ("Unable to open $outfile for output");
open (SIGFILE, ">".$sigfile) || die ("Unable to open $sigfile for output");

# Skip leading blank lines on input file
$_=<STDIN> while /^$/;

# Save lines to outfile until separator
print OUTFILE $_;
while (<STDIN>) {
	last if /$separator/;
	print OUTFILE $_;

die ("No signature found in input file") if !$_;

# Save remaining lines ot sigfile
print SIGFILE while <STDIN>;

close INFILE;
close OUTFILE;
close SIGFILE;

open (SIG, "./ringsig -v $outfile $pubfile < $sigfile |") ||
			die ("Error running verify program");

# Print output from program
print while <SIG>;
close SIG;



#! /usr/bin/perl

# Usage: $0 filetosign pubkeyfile privkeyfile

die("Usage: ringsign filetosign pubkeyfile privkeyfile > outfile") if
	@ARGV < 3;

$outfile = "/tmp/sigdata$$";
$separator = "  ++multisig v1.0";

open(INFILE, $ARGV[0]) || die ("Unable to open $ARGV[0] for input");

-r $pubfile || die ("Error reading $pubfile");
-r $secfile || die ("Error reading $secfile");

open (OUTFILE, ">".$outfile) || die ("Unable to open $outfile for output");

# Skip leading blank lines on input file
$_=<INFILE> while /^$/;

# Save lines to outfile
print OUTFILE $_;
print OUTFILE $_ while <INFILE>;

close INFILE;
close OUTFILE;

# Re-open infile
open(INFILE, $ARGV[0]) || die ("Unable to open $ARGV[0] for input");

open (SIG, "./ringsig -s $outfile $pubfile $secfile|") ||
			die ("Error signing");

@sigs = <SIG>;
close SIG;
die ("Error from signature program") if ($?);

# Output infile, separator, sig
print while <INFILE>;
print $separator . "\n";
print @sigs;


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