dangers of TCPA/palladium - will the real anon shady please stand up?

Eugen Leitl eugen at leitl.org
Wed Aug 7 08:46:41 PDT 2002

On Wed, 7 Aug 2002, Sunder wrote:
> "Waaa, he was vicious!  He used a remailer!" Oh my! Well that's just proof
> that he's working for Microsoft!  (With a nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no

Are you being deliberately dense? The facts that he's using a remailer and
has most uncypherpunk-like notions are alone insufficient to trip the
suspicion circuit. But his insinuations are unusually good, and hence I'd
like to know who he is. 

If deep paranoia cryptoanarchy freaks can be made to endorse TCPA/Pd crap
that's sufficient motivation for a troll.

> Besides, from what I've seen, those anon messages weren't signed.  So I
> can claim "I am that anonymous" and so can Vulis, Choate, Lucky, Tim,
> Declan, RAH, yourself, your mom, the horse she rode on, the FedZ, the NSA
> spook Satelite dancers (like the Rockettes, but they wear stego-panty
> stockings and have barcodes on their foreheads sent by Lotus Notes so the
> DIRNSA has a copy), and the Man Show Juggies.  So what?

The style is consistent, and he hasn't called a forgery yet.
> Would the real "anon shady please stand up?"  ROTFL!

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