Setting clocks

Tim May tcmay at
Wed Sep 26 20:54:16 PDT 2001

On Wednesday, September 26, 2001, at 01:46 PM, keyser-soze at 

> One-way pagers are a great anonymous way to signal, especially since 
> Web interfaces were offered.  With coded messages, originated from 
> public access terminals and disguised as phone numbers, a lot of 
> command and control is practical.
> At 07:32 PM 9/26/2001 -0700, Tim May wrote:
> On Wednesday, September 26, 2001, at 06:15 PM, Nilsphone at wrote:

You and others should try to fix your times and timezones, or to ask why 
Hushmail is sending messages dated in the past.

Look at the time of your message and of the one you respond to.

(John Young also has the problem, with his message several hours into 
the future from when he clearly posted them.)

This is a problem because many of us, even most of us, sort our messages 
by the date they are stamped.

Not the most important problem in the world, but worth it for folks to 
spend a couple of minutes setting their system clocks accurately or 
inquiring with Hushmail or whatever why they are incorrectly 
time-stamping mail.

--Tim May

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