The Confession Of Aimee Farr

Aimee Farr aimee.farr at
Wed Sep 26 16:18:49 PDT 2001

I was recruited to infiltrate "cypherpunks," a public mailing list. I did so
by immediately pissing off your putative leader, known to have the
personality of a pit bull. To gain admittance to your "inner circle," I
expressed disagreement with damn near everything you said. To assist
prosecutors, I quashed conversations that I deemed inciting. To cultivate
sources, I defended law enforcement interests.

Smoked out by CitizenQ. So great is my shame....

Since most of you wouldn't know an FBI Special Agent if one bit you in the
ass, I suggest you stop worrying about them.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-cypherpunks at [mailto:owner-cypherpunks at]On
> Behalf Of citizenq at
> Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 10:35 AM
> To: cypherpunks at
> Subject: Aimee == FBI?
> >It is discouraging to see the disdain in which many of you hold the FBI
> >during a time when we need cooperation and insight from nontraditional
> >sources.
> >
> "we" --- do you mean "WE ALL need..." or "WE AT THE FBI need..."
> Or am I behind the curve on this one? You-all may have determined
> this some time ago, sorry if I missed the posts.
> >In some cases, maybe FBI agents are an inappropriate vehicle for

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