
John Young jya at
Wed Sep 26 13:54:09 PDT 2001

Well, these comments are going to sound sicko, but from
where we live and work, about six miles north of the bomb
site, it's as if WTC never happened. Had it not been for
TV we wouldn't have known anything was amiss. We first
heard about WTC from a relative in Florida who called.
Now, TV and the condolences-and-rebuild-ads-fat NY 
Times is our source of police beat news.

We have a project under construction downtown in the
West Village close by one of the hospitals ready to
receive victims. For a few days we had to skirt the
hospital, but not now. There were hundreds of photos
of the missing posted there, but not now, all erased.

Looking down 7th Avenue there's a void where the Towers
once loomed, but now a wisp of smoke. But the Towers are
not really missed, if you don't buy the fabricated outcry, for
they were always a bloated blur on the skyscape, now more
monumental as debris and lurid media images than ever
in real life.

No doubt about it, WTC has impacted others more than 
most bunkered and isolated New Yorkers who give not
a shit about their predatory neighbors, indeed fear and hate 
them along with the rest of humankind -- except as rubes
to be hustled.

Once I cared, then I learned it's best to fake it, and if you
can fake it here you can fake it anywhere -- just keep those
subsidies coming with the dirt cheap, expendable, immigrants,
and those cash-bloated tourists and congresspersons now 
buying a view of The Heap of Heaps, NYC's godsent First 
Wonder of the World.

You can bet NYC is set to capitalize on chem-bio showtime.

Statue of Liberty, ha, ha, ha! Eat your heart out.

I love NY.

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