When the FBI Guys Come Knocking...

David Honig honig at sprynet.com
Tue Sep 25 19:24:33 PDT 2001

At 06:06 PM 9/25/01 -0700, Sandy Sandfort wrote:
>When I was visited (by a clichi salt-and-pepper team, no less), I actually
>invited them in.  The reason?  I wanted to find out why they were there.
>The first thing I said was, "I do not give my permission to being recorded."
>Not worth much, but I wanted to see how they reacted.  (For what it's worth,
>the assured me they weren't recording.)

Nice, but in Brinworld, you'd also advise them that they may be recorded.

For yucks ask them to remove their shoes before entering your home.

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