FC: Sen. Hollings plans to introduce DMCA sequel:

keyser-soze at hushmail.com keyser-soze at hushmail.com
Mon Sep 24 20:43:10 PDT 2001

At 04:58 PM 9/24/2001 -0700, Tim May wrote:
On Monday, September 24, 2001, at 03:08 PM, Thomas Leavitt wrote:
>>I'm tired of hearing my fellow Americans referred to as cowards, weaklings, sheep, ignorant, easily mislead - this is a profoundly undemocratic sentiment, the same kind of crap spewed by totalitarian and authoritarian types from the far left and the far right as justification for abandonment of the democratic process and the use of force to impose their ideology on the rest of us.

>We are not for "democracy." Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.

We are not a democracy, but a repubic (pun intended). The primary responsibility of our elected officials is to protect the minorities from the majority and to preserve protect and defend the constitution.  Many representatives clearly show they have at best a poor understanding of the Constitution, the words and intentions of the framers.  Some even show disdain for it.  How many Congressmen do you think ever read Thomas Paine's works?

>Crypto anarchy is about undermining democracy, causing the house of cards to collapse.

>>I refuse to give up on our way of life, my fellow citizens, or to write off my government as completely and irredemably lost.

>You are welcome to "refuse to give up on our way of life." Many others over the centuries have similarly refused to give up on royalism...I hear there are even clubs where people pretend to be various archdukes and viscounts, and even fan clubs for the grandchildren of royals deposed 75 years ago.

>Maybe there will be fan clubs for "democracy supporters." Maybe they will even launch little wars agains the royalists.

>Democracy will soon be consigned to the dustbin of history.

I hope representative government is not.

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