FC: Sen. Hollings plans to introduce DMCA sequel: The SSSCA

keyser-soze at hushmail.com keyser-soze at hushmail.com
Sun Sep 23 03:14:28 PDT 2001

From: Someone
>Working to keep our neighbors awake and informed is our best hope, in my 
>view - that is the only way democracy will ever work.

Historically this has often failed (e.g., the lack of outcry against Japanese internment camps).  Neighboors are willing to sell their liberty and their neighbors at the drop of a hat if someone in government promises them greater security, even though these same liars failed them time and time again.  

Since the New Deal Americans and corporations have become increasingly reliant on government to provide for them, shield them from their own poor judgement and folly and transfer the responsibility to the rest of us.  (Citizens of a like mind should structure upcoming tax filings to deduct Congress' largess to the airlines and others).  We cannot depend on these cowards and weaklings.

You'll notice that no Declaration of War was formally given.  Even so Congress has moved to curtail civil liberties.  From my perspective both life and liberty are equally dear.  Those that attempt to take either I will treat the same.

Its time to water the tree...

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