Majority of Americans want anti-encryption laws, poll says

Duncan Frissell frissell at
Tue Sep 18 04:06:24 PDT 2001

At 01:32 AM 9/18/01 -0700, Bill Stewart wrote:
>Apparently one of Tim's neighbors is on the Other Side....
>freedoms'' (Aug. 12). The government absolutely must have the ability to
>>monitor all encrypted messages, and anyone sending or receiving encrypted
>>messages on our soil that cannot be decoded by the appropriate federal
>>agency must be subject to arrest and seizure of the encryption equipment.
>>We are at war, and we all, including Gillmor, need to recognize that.
>>Al Colby

So Al's grandma who forgets to kill her pre-war copy of Netscape logs onto 
an oversease website still supporting SSL aand ends up in Leavenworth 
making little ones out of big ones.

BTW, the perps used their real names and IDs and Osama doesn't even use a 
telephone.  He communicates using couriers from his family's clan.


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