John Young jya at
Mon Sep 17 08:11:59 PDT 2001

Visions of mega, ultra, unbelievable high rise towers are a stock
off the shelf stuff for architects and tall building engineers. Clients
and designers with delusions of grandeur, or need for PR to help
fend off debtors and unwanted bastards, dream up these fantasies
all the time. A crony and I worked up one to be 30 miles high located
on at 14th Street, one gigantic foot to be hidden the shell of Cooper
Union School of Architecture where puny versions of these things 
sprout regularly. They are all ridiculous dick-wavers, but fun to imagine
dildoing the suffering planet when the banal peewees that you get to 
work are totally dismissable crap.

Frank Lloyd Wright regularly published schemes for mile high
buildings, variations cooked up to garner diverting attention when
his debtors and ex-lovers beat on bunker.

Still, fantasizing the monsters can be dangerous as having a
heavily armed gorgon (LE, mil or citizenry) with nothing to do but 
parade, arms swap and kill almost unintentionally.

Fantasizers of being above the clouds may neglect their mundane 
safety obligations and get you killed by their drug-crazed inattention 
to detail -- designers, dual-use exculpators too, also call their
fuckups collateral damage. Then invite you to take a look at their
fantasticly satisfying corrective, more expensive, grander, does
not repeat history except as required to assure eternal gullibility.

Listen, it's not just skyscrapers, others crave vast lebensraum,
monochromic skin color, a single religion and language, a world
without toxics and taxes, unlimited sex and amplifiers, elimination
of differently humaned, an end to conflict or cleansing armageddon,
no fences or property lines, shit, even some desk-squatter in 
London wants me out of my bunker or fork over fives time my

Damn right I want to be above the shit level too. Here, look at
this escape ladder drawing, available for a mere arm and leg
rent on this bullseye.

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