Palestinian celebration videos censored

Greg Newby gbnewby at
Sun Sep 16 14:17:11 PDT 2001

I saw a little coverage of this on TV (it might have been MSNBC,
or CBC.  Unfortunately, I'm not sure.)  It was yesterday, Saturday 9/14.

The story at that point was that the AP *had* the video, or
at least some of it, but were self-censoring.  The implication was
that it was because of the death threats.

They had the chief of the AP bureau involved (the Palestinian
AP or somesuch... P.A.P.), who refused to comment on camera.  It's
always fascinating when the media try to media the media.

  -- Greg

On Sun, Sep 16, 2001 at 01:07:23PM -0700, Subcommander Bob wrote:
>     JERUSALEM (September 16) - About 1,500
>                Palestinians, many supporters of Hamas, marched in a
>                Gaza Strip refugee camp Friday, burning Israeli flags and
>                carrying a large poster of Osama bin Laden, an exiled
>                Saudi millionaire who US Secretary of State Colin
>                Powell has named a key suspect in last week's terror
>                attacks in the United States.
> ...
>                According to one source, the Reuters correspondent in
>                Nablus not only agreed to the PA demand not to
>                document the rally, but attempted to press his AP
>                counterpart to follow suit. He was unable to reach him in
>                time. The AP cameraman later received death threats.

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