Crypto-anonymity greases HUMINT intelligence flows

Meyer Wolfsheim wolf at
Sat Sep 15 21:41:33 PDT 2001

On Sat, 15 Sep 2001, Howie Goodell wrote:

> Meyer Wolfsheim wrote:
> > Assume that you could nearly guarantee a profit of $5mil or more by
> > shorting your stocks before a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center.
> >
> > Would you perpetrate such a crime, and frame the "sand-niggers"?
> The plot sickens.  I assume you saw the news reports today
> that bin Ladin's associates did exactly that with the German
> reinsurer who will bear the brunt of the WTC claims?
> Persuade Ahmed to incinerate himself and 10,000 bystanders,
> and then -- cha ching!

No, I didn't see this report. Is it online?


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