Freedom of speech is for "Cypherpunk critics" too

Sandy Sandfort sandfort at
Sat Sep 15 12:52:07 PDT 2001

"Nomen Nescio" wrote:

> Tim May writes:
> > Funny, I notice how many of the critics of Cypherpunks and 
> supporters of 
> > this express train approach to repealing the Bill of Rights are 
> > themselves hiding behind Cypherpunks remailers, Hushmail aliases, and 
> > Ziplip nyms.
> If you're upset that "critics of the Cypherpunks" are able to speak
> freely then you shouldn't have supported the technologies that enable
> them to do so.  Free speech is for everyone, not just those who toe your
> line of violence and blood revenge.

Yeah, isn't that what Tim just wrote?

 S a n d y

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