The Enemies List

jamesd at jamesd at
Sat Sep 15 08:17:29 PDT 2001

On 14 Sep 2001, at 18:40, Nomen Nescio wrote:
> Chefren - On behalf of the civilized readers of the
> cypherpunks list, please accept our apology for the implied
> threats of violence against you by Tim May.  He is by no
> means representative of the larger readership. He is alone
> in calling for the death of those who hold views different 
> from his own.

I, like Tim May, call for the death of those who violate our
rights, who attempt to destroy our liberty, those within
America, and those outside it.  So would almost all of us, if
it were not that you damn cops would use fragments of our
words out of context.  If there is no chorus endorsing Tim,
it is because of well founded fear that it is dangerous in
America to speak certain views. 

         James A. Donald

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