"Ending States That Support Terrorism"

Declan McCullagh declan at well.com
Fri Sep 14 07:33:06 PDT 2001

Yeah, you thought (most) tech reporters in general were friends
of liberty and privacy? Heh.

I did TechTV yesterday morning around noon ET. The segment before
mine had the host quoting Louis Freeh like our former FBI director
was the latest prophet; The segment, of course, was on restricting
strong crypto.


On Thu, Sep 13, 2001 at 08:58:05PM -0700, Tim May wrote:
> This shows how rapidly the freight train has gathered steam. Even the 
> _tech_ reporters, with a few obvious exceptions, are leading the calls 
> for suppressing the Bill of Rights.
> Be sure to get the name of the host for the files. When this war is 
> over, I expect hundreds of thousands will need to be sent to the wall.
> --Tim May

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