"Ending States That Support Terrorism"

Eric Cordian emc at artifact.psychedelic.net
Thu Sep 13 14:36:14 PDT 2001

Anyone have the list of countries that Bush is planning on scheduling for

I would imagine Afganistan and Iraq are the first two.  Will he toss in
Syria, Sudan, and Libya as well?

It looks like the game that is being played here, is that all countries
are being given an opportunity to pledge unconditional support and
cooperation for Bush's "War" against those rendering aid to terrorism, now
declared to be the primary focus of his administration, and whoever
declines will constitute the enemy.
Pakistan has even climbed aboard, in the hopes that we won't drop any
bombs on them on our way to Afganistan.  Of course, they must prove their
loyalty by cutting off Afganistan's oil and gas, and permitting us to base
our troops there.

Isn't playing these sorts of games with Saudi Arabia, the location of
Islam's most sacred sites, the reason Osama bin Laden is mad at the US to
begin with?

Is this how Hitler started?

While all of this is transpiring, a smirking Ariel Sharon, the war
criminal elected by acclaimation, will be taking more of the Palestinians'

So when's the Congress going to outlaw encryption?  I assume we'll all be
expected to make such small sacrifices for the larger good. 

We're all supposed to fly American flags for the next 30 days to show our
support for all of this.  I wonder if they'll be taking names.

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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