Will the real Stealth Technology Please Stand-up ?

afbrown at bellatlantic.net afbrown at bellatlantic.net
Thu Sep 13 01:07:48 PDT 2001

Despite billions spent on stealth technology, expensive spy satellites
and planes, secret listening post throughout the world , Echelon and
Carnivore. It seem inconceivable  that an terrorist operation of this
magnitude could be planned, setup over the course of 1 year and executed
with  precision without the intelligence community having a clue.

Now that the country's defense and intelligence spending has been
exaggerated in the wrong direction for so long. Maybe good old fashion
human intelligence is more secure than once thought.??  This
swiss-cheese National defense system lacks imagination, is based solely
upon pasted events and will ultimately prompt future attacks.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

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