Manhattan Mid-Afternoon

dmolnar dmolnar at
Wed Sep 12 06:06:03 PDT 2001

On Wed, 12 Sep 2001, Sunder wrote:

> I'd still fucking rush them if I had been there.  If anything it would
> wake everyone else up to do the same.

I'd like to think I would have, but honestly I don't know. Also, if the
first rusher is killed, that acts as a negative example for the others.
The scene from "Sunshine" where Fiennes is berated for standing aside and
watching his father die keeps coming back.

Keep in mind that the hostages likely did not know the terrorists were
planning to down the plane. For all they knew, they were going to be
exchanged for prisoners in Israeli jails. By the time it became clear what
was going to happen (if it ever did), it might have been too late. Then
it's not "my life vs 20,000" but "my life vs squat if they kill me and
retain control."


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