What's going on? World Trade Center, Pentagon, Old Executive Office Bldg

Ken Brown k.brown at ccs.bbk.ac.uk
Tue Sep 11 07:55:26 PDT 2001

Bill Stewart wrote:
> At 10:22 AM 09/11/2001 -0400, Seth Finkelstein wrote:
> >  "Warren E. Agin"
> > > I've been trying to get on a newsite, but abc.com, abcnews.com,
> > > nbc.com, msnbc.com, cbs.com, foxnews.com and boston.com are all having
> > > problems. Yahoo and MSN are up.
> >
> >         I can attest that boston.com is functioning in Boston. Can't
> >say if you could reach it from another part of the country.
> >
> > > I wonder if the problem is just server overload, or something else.
> >
> >         There seems to be some major links out of action. I can't
> >traceroute to cnn.com, for example. I *speculate* it's collateral
> >damage from the explosions in Manhattan. That is, I sure wouldn't hang
> >around to keep computer working in this situation.
> Highly unlikely to be physical damage; it's just slashdotted
> because everybody with an internet connection tried it first.
> The San Francisco Chronicle is still working because it's early morning
> on the West Coast; they're sfgate.com, picture on the front page,
> and the AP story is at
> http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/news/archive/2001/09/11/national0920EDT0530.DTL

Yep, just a flash crowd. The BBC web site is all but unobtainable.
Transatlantic data traffic is slow, but flowing.

If you are in Manhattan YMMV.


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