What's going on? World Trade Center, Pentagon, Old Executive Office Bldg

Bill Stewart bill.stewart at pobox.com
Tue Sep 11 13:06:37 PDT 2001

At 10:18 AM 09/11/2001 -0500, Joseph Ashwood wrote:
>To avoid slashdotting my source so I can still get the information I'm =
>just going to copy and paste the page: I apologize for posting html but =
>the formatting and pictures don't show up in text.

The mailbot deleted the pictures.

>1-800 phone calls apparently not working...

That's not a nationwide thing or an all-phone-companies thing -
most NYC-based numbers would be hard to reach,
and maybe some long distance carrier's database is in NYC,
but it's unlikely they'd have only a single database.

>Pentagon has confirmed that they major loss of life because of explosion
>F16 fighters forced down the plane that was heading to pentagon .. they =
>forced that plane down near Camp David

I'd heard there was a crash in Camp David - this is first I'd heard of this.

>Supposedly the president was supposed to be heading back from Florida. =
>I'm sure that's going to be detoured somewhere else.

He was making speeches from an AFB in Louisiana.
The logical places to go would be Camp David (guess not...)
or Andrews AFB or the Fort Ritchie, MD emergency site.
The less logical place to go is back to the White House -
it's a bit riskier, but would make good PR.

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