Fwd: FC: Terrorists attack World Trade Center and Pentagon

Bill Stewart bill.stewart at pobox.com
Tue Sep 11 07:58:01 PDT 2001

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>Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 10:28:52 -0400
>To: politech at politechbot.com
>From: Declan McCullagh <declan at well.com>
>Subject: FC: Terrorists attack World Trade Center and Pentagon
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>[Police and other sirens are wailing in Washington, and high-profile 
>federal buildings have been evacuated. One of the Trade Center towers 
>apparently has collapsed, with a death toll I don't want to imagine. I 
>wonder if these attacks are over, and what kind of legislation we're 
>likely to see in response... --Declan]
>NEW YORK (Reuters) - A plane struck the World Trade Center in lower 
>Manhattan Tuesday morning, an eyewitness reported.
>    The AP and Reuters are reported the following D.C. area evacuations on
>    the threat of terrorist attacks: the White House, the U.S. Capitol
>    Building, the Pentagon, the State Department and the Old Executive
>    Office Building.
>    According to GSA press office, they are awaiting a decision on whether
>    to close government agencies in Washington.
>    The New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq Stock Market said trading in
>    stocks would not open until at least 11:30 EDT.
>    Also the Federal Aviation Administration has shut down all aircraft
>    takeoffs nationwide and has directed all planes in the air to continue
>    to their final destinations or land at the nearest airport.
>    The Sears Tower in Chicago is also being evacuated.
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