Piggybacking tools for deployment is the point (was Re: Moral Crypto)

David Honig honig at sprynet.com
Wed Sep 5 08:32:03 PDT 2001

At 09:30 AM 9/5/01 +0200, Nomen Nescio wrote:
>On Sun, 2 Sep 2001, David Honig wrote:
>> At 12:34 PM 9/2/01 -0700, Tim May wrote:
>> >Then design such a system.
>> You did a few lines earlier:
>> >(Or if one is a remailer oneself.)
>Or, simply have a remailer client that randomly generates dummy traffic, 
>and be sure to chain through multiple remailers. You don't need to accept 
>incoming remailer traffic from other live people -- this is sufficient to 
>hide when, if ever, you are using the remailer network.

Yes, however my emphesis was on the *deployment* of
the tools by "piggybacking" on other very-popular p2p-ish tools.

>You still stick out as a remailer user, though. 

Not if the next versions of IE or Windows or Morpheus contains remailer
enabled by default!  That's the point.

If every copy of Windows(Chinese) came with <dissident software package 1.0>
then it would be hard to bust people for possession of the tools.  If every
copy of Windows(English) came with <remailer> enabled, it would be hard to
bust people for running a remailer.

>(A while ago, someone posted a physics question usnig a remailer, and Tim 
>mused that they were probably a troll, since they were using a remailer to 
>pose this question. I found that remark surprising, for precisely this 
>reason. Everyone should use remailers from time to time to ask innocent 
>questions, in case of being asked by The Authorities to provide an example 
>of one's correspondence using such technology.)

Yes; however its also possible the author didn't want their ignorance
with a given nym.

"Perhaps this whole thing is just one person talking to himself, with
Tim listening in!" -Dr Evil

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