Wuss-ninnies object to discussions on the list

Sandy Sandfort sandfort at mindspring.com
Sun Sep 2 20:51:42 PDT 2001

Heck, I was at Burning Man and just got back.  Tim wrote:

> Then we had Sandy Sandfort weighing in with
> his comment that some Cypherpunks are going
> to be in deep trouble with The Man. I think
> Sandy even forecast my death in a shootout.

Well, I was dead-bang right-on about Jim Bell, wasn't I?  Perhaps Tim is
confusing advocacy with prediction.  I don't advocate the shooting of Tim
May, but I think there is a substantial chance (10-20%?), that it will
happen.  I wouldn't want to risk those odds, but TMMV.

 S a n d y

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