Pravda Propaganda On The NRA, GOA and Militias

Reese reeza at
Mon Oct 29 01:06:54 PST 2001

At 09:01 AM 10/26/01 -0700, Tim May wrote:
>On Friday, October 26, 2001, at 08:27 AM, Matthew Gaylor wrote:
>Matt Gaylor has forwarded this article. My profound thanks to him. This 
>is one of the most insightful articles I've seen on the real internal 
>political situation in the U.S., the "red" vs. "blue" separation.
>Truly ironic that it takes a "red" to understand the "reds" in the U.S.

I'm not so sure Bill White is a "red."

>> Copyright )1999 by "Pravda.RU". When reproducing our materials in whole 
>> or in part, reference to Pravda.RU should be made.

But, the web page should say "copyright 2001" eh?

Bill White, the author of the subject-line story, wrote something for also - it sheds a bit of light on him, perhaps also on
Tim's response to the article.



The following is the first in a two-part series by Bill White. We will 
feature the second installment tomorrow. 

As Their Allies In Defense Face A Purge, America's "Official" Jewish 
Groups Look For Justice To Promote Agenda 

"America is finally running out of patience with us" the headline read 
in the Israeli daily Ha'aretz Tuesday. Sharon had just rebuffed the 
American demand that Israel withdraw its troops to behind the lines of 
occupation, and was holding more than five thousand Palestinian refugees 
trapped in the 'Aida and 'Azza/Beit Jibrin camps. On Wednesday, the 
butcher Sharon began shooting the refugees as he did in 1982.. The US 
State Department was "feeling like a fire brigade" struggling with the 
potential for war not just in Afghanistan, but in Occupied Palestine and 
Kashmir as well. On the home front, Israel's allies in the United States 
were also scrambling. Having been defeated in their attempts to use the 
September 11 bombing to draw the United States closer to Israel, they 
were facing a purge of their supporters in the Defense Department, as it 
became clear that their agents on the inside were leaking US secrets to 
both Israel and the press. The "official" Jewish lobby was now 
scrambling for damage control, and grasping at anything to distract 
public attention away from the US-Israeli relationship. 

"Saudi Arabia is the home of . one of the most fanatical, intolerant, 
and extreme forms of Islamic fundamentalism," Mortimer Zuckerman, an 
American media baron, publisher of US News and World Report as well as 
the New York Daily News, and head of the powerful Conference of 
Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, wrote in his weekly column. 
There had been a "mendacious implication . that the September 11 attacks 
were related to America's relationship with Israel" but now, Zuckerman 
wrote, "we . must face the harsh fact that Saudi Arabia, a nation we 
have long supported, is a central disseminator of the poisonous spores 
of fanaticism." 

Could the Zionist lobby be serious? Could it really be trying to 
persuade the public that the reason for bin Laden's attack on New York 
was not US support of Israel, but the fact that the US paid "moderate" 
Muslim regimes in the Middle East primarily to keep them from attacking 
Israel? If a directive issued by Israel's Foreign Ministry to pro-
Israeli journalists was indication, they were. And the attempt to 
distract the public showed the growing desperation the lobby is using in 
its efforts to keep the disintegrating situation in the Middle East from 
becoming a disintegration of their political power here at home. 

The Changing Tune 

Only a month ago, the Zionist-dominated elements of the American press 
were demanding the heads not of just the Taliban, but of the entire 
population of the Islamic world. 

"America's enemy is the Islamic Axis: Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Sudan 
and Afghanistan and the groups they fund, support and direct. These 
groups include the cells of Osama Bin Laden, Hamas, Hezbollah and the 
PLO," wrote ex-Israeli propaganda minister turned American journalist 
Zev Chafets, in Zuckerman's New York Daily News, "The U.S. must invade 
these countries (if there is time), dismantle their unlatched 
governments, disperse their armies and seize their arsenals. . If there 
isn't time [they] will have to be destroyed by whatever means necessary: 
the Japanese model." 

Chafets was not alone. 

"The enemy has identified itself in public and openly . Its name is 
radical Islam" wrote columnist Charles Krauthammer on Sept 12, "there 
should be no talk of bringing these people to 'swift justice' . We must 
carry their war to them." 

They were just two of hundreds of voices, most of them Zionist, or at 
least tied into America's "official" Jewish lobby, that demanded the 
destruction of Islam. 

Little more than a month later, their tune had changed, from a rumbling 
war-mongering drum beat to a softer song of explanation and excuses: 

"What spawned the real Osama bin Laden . was the infidel's 'occupation'' 
of Saudi Arabia, home to Mecca and Medina, the holiest cities in Islam." 
wrote Krauthammer on October 19, as he played along with the fiddlers 
trying to dance America's attention away from Israel, "Bin Laden . in 
giving reasons for his jihad on America, never fails to cite the 
starving and bombing of Iraq." 

Newspaper columns now avoided talk of Israel, not even recognizing the 
Israeli occupation as a possible complaint of bin Laden's, and certainly 
not mentioning it in the context of "terrorism". Israel was no longer 
safe. The Israeli lobby was on the defensive. 

Elder Lore 

There is no question that a Jewish lobby, with goals and interest beyond 
just Zionism and Israel, exists in America. It is divided into three 
major "umbrella" organizations - the National Jewish Community Relations 
Advisory Council (NCRAC or "nacrac"), the Conference of Presidents of 
Major Jewish Organizations (the "President's Conference"), and the 
American-Israeli Political Action Committee (AIPAC). Each organizations 
is a council of smaller groups, and has responsibility for a certain 
area of Jewish political life -- NCRAC issues a yearly document laying 
out the domestic political line that the nation's Jewish groups have 
agreed to adhere to, the President's Conference issues the foreign 
policy line, and AIPAC conducts the actual lobbying of Congress and the 

There are nine major groups that form these councils, though each group 
has between 50 (for the President's Conference) and several hundred 
members on its theoretical governing body (and AIPAC is unofficially 
controlled by it's four-member "officer's committee"). There are the 
groups that represent the three main trends of American religious 
Judaism - the national unions for the Reform, Conservative and Orthodox 
synagogues. There are the three "defense agencies" - the Anti-Defamation 
League (ADL), American Jewish Congress, and the American Jewish 
Committee. Then there are the three women's organizations - Hadassah, 
the National Council of Jewish Women, and the Women's American ORT. 
There are additionally as many as 300 other "official" Jewish 
organizations active in the country and contributing representatives to 
the councils in various ways. 

The lobby works like the Mafia within its own community, brutally 
suppressing Jewish voices that dissent from its foreign policy dictates. 
According to Jewish writer JJ Goldberg, editor of the Jewish commentary 
paper the Forward, and author of the book "Jewish Power": 

"By mid-1976 . NCRAC and the American Jewish Committee ordered up 
internal studies on the limits of dissent. The Presidents Conference and 
the Synagogue Council of American held public inquiries on the topic. 
All the organizations reached the same conclusion: American Jews had the 
right to discuss issues freely, but only within discreet forums, outside 
public view. . 

"Working closely with [Israeli Ambassador Simcha] Dinitz and his staff, 
the Presidents Conference and NCRAC began to draw up a set of baseline 
principles to govern behavior within the organized Jewish community. 
They boiled down to three basic tenants. One was that Israelis were the 
only ones entitled to decide Israeli policy, since they alone bore the 
risks. The second was that American Jews must stand publicly united with 
Israel, and air disagreements only in private. The third was that Israel 
would no negotiate with Palestinian terrorists, since talking to them 
would grant them legitimacy 

"These rules were quickly taken up by the Jewish leadership as sacred 
write from Jerusalem. Jews who disagreed found themselves unwelcome in 
community forums, asked to leave governing boards, shouted down at 
meetings. Even luminaries . began to find themselves ostracized after 
they endorsed Middle East compromise." 

Like the mafia, they will rub you out - not your life, but your 
reputation. With extensive contacts inside both political parties and 
the mainstream press, the "official" Jewish community keeps its members 
under tight lock and key. 

Cracks In The Press 

The Lobby's muscle arm in America and abroad, though it is often 
impolitic to state it outright, are the major media institutions in 
America that are owned by Jews, combined with those that are not owned 
by Jews, but dominated by non-Jewish Zionists. (see "American Media Uses 
Disinformation To Guide Policy") To this they add many of America's most 
widely published and widely read opinion columnists, editors, 
"independent" publishers, and reporters. Even those in the media who 
choose to distance themselves are not immune to its pressures, as two 
American journalists recently discovered when they were purged from 
their newspapers for anti-Israeli statements. 

Freelance writer Jim Moore was the first of the two. Over the weekend, 
he submitted an article to the Tallahassee Democrat, daily newspaper of 
Tallahassee, Florida, and owned by the Knight-Ridder Corporation. The 
article was one of several he had written that were critical of Israel, 
but this one was a little different. It included a quote from Ariel 
Sharon, broadcast on Col Yisrael radio, that "Jewish people rule 
America." Managing Editor Mizell Stewart feared the implications of 
Moore's piece and refused to print. Moore received notice barred from 
ever again writing for the paper the next day. 

Though Israeli officials have publicly admitted that Sharon "had bouts 
of anger during a recent Knesset meeting and that he said 'things that 
shouldn't be said,'" this didn't matter to Knight-Ridder. Though it is 
not a Jewish owned or managed company, it still plays ball. When asked 
to explain their actions, Stewart referred Pravda's inquiries to a 
secondary editor who declined to respond. 

A second, and bigger, crack appeared over the weekend in upstate New 
York, where two editors for the Oneida Daily Dispatch were fired after 
publishing an article quoting a Pakistani man who claimed that the 
September 11 attacks were conducted by Israel's Mossad. The article, and 
all references to the two, were pulled from the Daily Dispatch's website 
(, and according to an Associated Press 
article on the case that ran on October 19, Managing Editor Jean Ryan 
and City Editor Dale Seth were dismissed from the paper. 
Notsurprisingly, the paper is owned by the Newhouse Media Group, a 
Jewish newspaper group owned by the brothers Samuel and Donald Newhouse - 
two men who's wire services regularly carry often ridiculous 
articlesattacking "right-wingers" and "racists", real and imagined, 
across America. 

But the third "crack", though it was only slight, is perhaps the one 
that most threatens the currently locked armed approach of the media in 
its attempts to misinform the American public. When Saudi Prince 
Alwaleed bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz Alsaud had his $10 million dollar 
check rejected by New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, every newspaper in 
New York applauded Giuliani but one - the usually Zionist New York Post 
if Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. Why? According to columnist Johnathan 
Tobin, writing in Jewish World Review, "[the Prince] is, among other 
things, a major stockholder in News Corp., the multinational media 
conglomerate that owns the Post." Defensive Front 

It is not the occasional slip of a reporter's tongue, however, which has 
the Lobby in a dither, nor is it the small financial influence of one 
Saudi on one paper that has never truly been in their control. What 
bothers them most is that everything they demanded of the Bush 
administration - war on Iraq, war on Syria, war on Hizbollah, war on 
Hamas - had not only been denied them, but they are facing, for the 
first time in thirty years, a government that seems ready to simply 
remove them from policy making altogether. 

Two Defense Department officials - Richard Perle on the Defense Policy 
Board and Paul Wolfowitz, the Deputy Secretary of Defense - comprise the 
core of the Zionist lobby's influence over US foreign policy. But their 
dual loyalty has caused them to leak to the press a number of important 
details of the US military's actions in the Afghan campaign - including 
top secret information on a US Special Forces raid on airfield near the 
city of Kandahar. The information caused the raid to fail, and the 
nearly 200 Special Forces troops involved in it to force evacuate the 
area only two hours into their mission. The result has been a Secretary 
of Defense who has threatened to not only dismiss, but possibly arrest, 
the "unknown" individuals responsible: 

"The fact that some members of the press knew enough about those 
operations to ask the questions and to print the stories was clearly 
because someone in the Pentagon had provided them that information. And 
clearly, it put at risk the individuals involved in the operation," 
Rumsfeld told the London Times Monday, and "It is terrible. And I just 
can't imagine people being that irresponsible that they're willing to do 
that . I couldn't care less where the source of the leak is, the 
responsibility is the same." 

Though Rumsfeld did back off his threats to arrest those responsible, 
and stated that responsibility was "unclear", it is clear that the lead 
candidates for the leak, two men who have been previously identified as 
leaking Pentagon data to the members of the press such as radical 
pro-Israeli journalists Bill Safire and William Kristol, were Perle and 
Wolfowitz, causing some observers to wonder if the President's 
Conference's dynamic duo were about to be dismissed from public duties. 

And as a further indication of US unhappiness with Israeli-loyal 
"American" citizens in the military, the Jerusalem Post reported Tuesday 
on the first wartime purge of an Israeli-American "dual citizen" from US 
forces. US Army Reserve Major Shawn Pine was relieved of his command of 
the 300th Military Intelligence Company of Austin, Texas, Tuesday after 
being accused of suspicious links to the Israeli military-intelligence 
complex. Pine, of course, accused the Army of "anti-Semitism", but all 
his complaining has not gotten him his reinstatement. 

Part II tomorrow.....


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