The end of the Fourth Amendment

Tim May tcmay at
Fri Oct 26 10:24:48 PDT 2001

On Friday, October 26, 2001, at 05:38 AM, Declan McCullagh wrote:

Too many totalitarian surveillance state measures to comment on, but the 
"sneak and peek" provision is such a slam dunk violation of the Fourth 
Amendment that it bears special comment.

>    Other sections of the USA Act, which the House approved by a 357 to 
> 66
>    vote on Wednesday, that do not expire include the following:
>      * Police can sneak into someone's house or office, search the
>        contents, and leave without ever telling the owner. This would be
>        supervised by a court, and the notification of the surreptitious
>        search "may be delayed" indefinitely. (Section 213)

Anyone caught inside a house or office should be dealt with in the most 
expeditiious manner possible.

Anyone picked up on crittercam surveillance cameras, and identified by 
any means, should be dealt with later. The offices and judges who order 
such sneak and peek invasions shluld be dealt with as well.

All of those who passed this law have, in my political opinion, earned 
the death penalty,

--Tim May
"Extremism in the pursuit of liberty is no vice."--Barry Goldwater

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