Torture Never Stops..

Nomen Nescio nobody at
Thu Oct 25 17:00:16 PDT 2001

Listen, its not a return to fascism.
Not by any stretch, so unbunch your


Some Americans are tired of being
stepped on.
Me in particular.
Its way different than the inferrence
you infer. 
I am sure that we agree on the same 
stuff, we just dont agree on how to 
get there.
I would love to meet in the middle 
someplace, as long as my beloved 
fellow unblamed citizens remain free
and unharmed in the process.

If a foreign guy ends up in a cell
someplace because of some questionable 
activities, like LYING about knowing
one of these terror mongers, LYING
about knowing particular details, 
like having screwy immigration documents....
that shit adds up. It may not MEAN the
guy is guilty of something, but dang...
its preventive medicine. If a guy happens
to get waxed, then a guy happens to get 
waxed. That happens in prison.
It happens to innocent people in prison.
It happens to guilty people in prison.
It shouldnt happen but it does. Deal somehow
with it.
Anyways, I dont think this will effect
mainstream Americans and the odd cypherpunk
thrown in among them. Unless that cpunk
happens to be Middle Eastern, and guilty
of something previously determined to 
be suspect. 
But in the long run will we, considering 
ourselves Freedom Advocates (believe it 
or not, I consider myself one), hang ourselves 
with the collective rope we inadvertently 
meant to provide to our ropers?

My position:
I am not willing to give up ANYTHING for my
But then again, I dont have screwy 
immigration documents that would cause anyone 
to want to usurp my individual freedoms.

I will not give up encryption, or privacy.

Ya know its weird, because I hear the Freedom
folks say: "Oh yea, thats what -they- always say
to you, 'if you have not done anything wrong
then you have nothing to worry about'" and 
now I feel thats not far from the truth, in
a strange zenexistential way. Someone tell me 
why thats a bad statement.
I mean, if I HAVE done something wrong, I 
should be afraid, right?

Heres the message we should try to send
with our words and our actions:

Dont fuck up and try to kill Americans.
Because we will fuck you in your ass with 
a greased lightning tomahawk missile
that will gut you and your camel, and 
the 5 wives you both rode in on... along
with those 15 little terrorists a year you
keep pumping out, in your own words. 
By the way, forget about sex for fun with those
broads... apparently there is a mandate 
to 'copulate to populate, not just to fornicate'.
SNAP, after lookin at some of 'dat shit, I 
would rather masturbate. No wonder they wear
veils, dey breath must stank to High Heaven.

Unfortunately, the civilized world is 
counting on us to hold shit together
for financial stability. So we have to
catch up the guys who have sorta fallen 
behind and made a mess of things for us
in a way. Smacks of New World Order, dont it?
I dont like it either, but hey...

>From a distance, this is al-Hatfields and 
Wal-McCoys, and we(USA) are Sheriff Andy Taylor
and Israel is Deputy Barney Fucking Fife,
and he keeps shooting himself in the foot 
every time we try to draw down on that
stupid family feud that we now gotta clean 
up after cuz the SAUDIS (or the REST of the
arab contingent) cant TCOB, cuz they 
dont wanna get their hands dirty just to 
protect their status quo, tally ho, lets 
get the Americans to do it.

Come on, say it... say what you feeeel man :)
Dont blame the 'extremist right' of America
for this clamping down on our beloved freedoms.

Are you still free?
Can you say what you want in this political climate?
Could you ever?
Does it matter?
Are your papers in order?

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