A champion of liberty speaks about privacy, cash smuggling

John Kozubik john at kozubik.com
Wed Oct 24 19:48:03 PDT 2001

>    The bill is not perfect. I am sorry that, for example, we excluded
> making it a crime to smuggle over $10,000 interstate. We included it
> for overseas, but it was not included for interstate. Nevertheless,
> this is an excellent bill.

Can someone clarify the definition, in this context, of "smuggling" ?  
Does this mean that $10,000 in cash can no longer be taken out of the
country, or does it mean that it can no longer be taken out of the country
in a secretive manner ?

For as long as I have been traveling internationally, I have been required
to declare all cash amounts larger than $10,000.  Does this mean that
previously it was not a crime to not make such a declaration, and now it
is ?

John Kozubik - john at kozubik.com - http://www.kozubik.com

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