Conman, quantum entaglement and no cat

Lucky Green shamrock at
Wed Oct 24 16:40:29 PDT 2001

It would have been more impressive had Copperfield revealed the numbers
he predicted an hour /before/ the drawing...


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-cypherpunks at 
> [mailto:owner-cypherpunks at] On Behalf Of Anonymous
> Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 4:01 PM
> To: cypherpunks at
> Subject: Conman, quantum entaglement and no cat
> Magicians lottery list accurate
> THE American illusionist David Copperfield said yesterday he 
> has been bombarded by requests for tips on the winning 
> numbers in Germanys national lottery on Saturday night - 
> numbers he said he predicted seven months ago.
> Copperfield wrote down his forecast on 17 February for the 
> multi-million mark lottery drawing due on 13 October. The 
> prediction was sealed by a notary and locked in a box that 
> was kept under round-the-clock surveillance.
> An hour after the winning numbers were drawn, the box was 
> opened on a live television broadcast and the numbers matched 
> the winning draw: 2, 9, 10, 15, 25, 38 and 4.
> "It wasnt a trick," Copperfield told Bild am Sonntag 
> newspaper after the performance on the popular Wanna Bet? 
> show on ZDF television. "It was more an experiment and mental 
> exercise. We only use about 10 per cent of our brain capacity."
> Copperfield said he is not tempted to play the lottery 
> himself because he would not be able to "see" the numbers. "I 
> used to try it out by giving friends the numbers, but then it 
> would never work," he said. "If the numbers arent kept 
> secret, it doesnt work."
> Copperfield said hundreds of people had written him since 
> February begging him for tips on what numbers to pick. 
> "Hundreds of emails, so many letters and requests from people 
> in despair. " 
> But can he do RSA keys ?
> If he can, that would mean that they are truly random.
> If he can't they are not.
> This test should become a part of Diehard.

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