Neverending Cycle ( was : Re: USPS: glowing by leaps and boun ds)

Trei, Peter ptrei at
Wed Oct 24 07:47:58 PDT 2001

> Tim May[SMTP:tcmay at]
> One minute spent searching on "anthrax ames" will disabuse the clueful 
> of the mistakes made above.
> The Ames strain is _not_ "militarized anthrax."
> --Tim May
>From what I heard yesterday, the 'Ames strain' was, until 1996, mailed
to researchers the world over with few checks, for veterinary and medical 
research purposes. 

If so, it's presence in the envelopes tells us little about the source.

BTW: My understanding is that the USPS plans to irradiate mail
with UV light. This could kill spores on the outside, but won't 
affect film, seeds, or properly packed biological materials.

Peter Trei


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