USPS: glowing by leaps and bounds

Karsten M. Self kmself at
Tue Oct 23 04:23:57 PDT 2001

Irradiation equipment is being considered for mail processing, heard
both over NPR's Morning Edition, and referenced in a story posted to

    Monday October 22 08:39 PM EDT
    Safety Concerns Grow Among Postal Customers, Inspectors


    The U.S. Postal Service said Monday that it is looking into a
    technological method that could block the movement of anthrax in the

    Postal Inspector Doug Turner said the postal service has studied how
    radiation equipment used to kill bacteria in foods could help
    against the germ threats.

    "The radiation would kill the bacteria that might be involved with
    the mail," Turner said.

    But there is no official word on whether the irradiation equipment
    would make it's way to San Antonio.


I would hope that relatively short-term leases are being considered.  Or
is this going to be a long-term threat?

Any pointers on packaging for photographic and/or magnetic media through
mail to survive irradiation equipment?  How about the magstrips on all
those credit cards issued through the mail?


Karsten M. Self <kmself at>
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