And another one bites the dust, another one down, another one down

Tim May tcmay at
Mon Oct 22 10:34:37 PDT 2001

On Sunday, October 21, 2001, at 08:30 PM, Tim May wrote:

> On Sunday, October 21, 2001, at 06:02 PM, David Honig wrote:
>> Once the person has enough symptoms to seek treatment,
>> I think they're toast.  We'll see.  Maybe all USPO
>> workers will be given 60 days of Cipro.  If they're
>> the only ones to survive, the species is fucked.
> It looks like this Maryland case is a real Case #2. If he survives, 
> it'll mean the Sturgeon General was right to say we now can handle 
> anthrax. But I expect he's a goner.

Looks like the "toast" and "goner" comments are right expected.

I've been watching a press conference of D.C. politicos, mayor and 
company, on CNN. Looks like several inhalational anthrax cases 
confirmed, and *two deaths* of postal workers over the weekend with 
"suspicious" symptoms and test results.

(Don't know if one of them is the postal worker already diagnosed with 
inhalational anthrax since last's possible this is one of 
the people. Sounds like the two deaths were of others, though, with 
anthrax only being suspected post mortem.)

Expect more chaos, then.

And more police state measures.

--Tim May
"That the said Constitution shall never be construed to authorize 
Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press or the rights of 
conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States who are 
peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms." --Samuel Adams

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