Another precious moment from shrub...

jamesd at jamesd at
Sat Oct 20 01:51:37 PDT 2001

James A. Donald:
> >During that term all these war efforts collapsed, or
> >diminished to a pale shadow of their former selves, making
> >democratic elections possible, elections that for the most
> >part returned governments far more capitalist than the
> >previous regimes.

On 18 Oct 2001, at 14:08, Jamie Lawrence wrote:
> Now that I reflect on it, I am positive that the free voting, free
> dealing citizens who democratically elected Perves Musharraf,
> Robert Mugabe, Kim Jong-Il and Mullah Omar

In Africa two Soviet sponsored tyrannies, both of which had been committing mass murder on an enormous scale, were overthrown though not replaced by democracies.

In Latin America one Soviet sponsored tyranny was overthrown, and replaced by democracy, and several regimes that had been fighting wars against Soviet proxy troops supported by Cuba won victories, making it possible for them to become democracies.

         James A. Donald

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