AG on spotting terrorists in our midst

FogStorm fogstorm at
Fri Oct 19 20:25:05 PDT 2001

On Friday, October 19, 2001, at 12:03  PM, mmotyka at wrote:

> 4. Someone who appears to be concealing something
>    or attempting to put something over on somebody
> Does this mean that witholding your zipcode from the overinquisitive
> sales clerk will get you on a list?
> Any attempts at opacity will be punished!
> Sounds pretty fucking stupid, but then, what do you expect from the guy?

I used to live in a neighborhood where at least 20% of males between 
15 & 30 of people would meet most of these conditions. Left unstated is:

8. Watch for people meeting any of the above conditions and who appear 
to be from the Middle East or who may be a Muslim.

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