Expert Warns Coded Pictures Indicate Al Qaeda Planning Major Biological Attack

Ken Brown k.brown at
Fri Oct 19 11:56:10 PDT 2001

Maybe the CIA will now open an Art Historical and Symbolical Branch to
examine the works of artists for evidence of dangerous thoughts.

GK Chesterton got it right back in 1908:

"The work of the philosophical policeman," replied the man in blue, "is
at once bolder and more subtle than that of the ordinary detective. The
ordinary detective goes to pot-houses to arrest thieves; we go to
artistic tea-parties to detect pessimists. The ordinary detective
discovers from a ledger or a diary that a crime has been committed. We
discover from a book of sonnets that a crime will be committed. We have
to trace the origin of those dreadful thoughts that drive men on at last
to intellectual fanaticism and intellectual crime. We were only just in
time to prevent the assassination at Hartlepool, and that was entirely
due to the fact that our Mr. Wilks (a smart young fellow) thoroughly
understood a triolet."

(From The Man who was Thursday, chapter 4, copied from Christian
Classics Ethereal Library at

The website at claims that the
drawings were made between 1983 and 1989.  There are signatures and
dates visible on the pictures. Even the Koontz article claims that they
have existed at least since 1998. If this is true they can hardly have
been a signal to the hijackers to go into action.  At the most, evidence
of the artist's state of mind.

Ken Brown

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