Your papers please

Duncan Frissell frissell at
Thu Oct 18 18:38:38 PDT 2001

Don't do it in Massachusetts.  They consider it wiretapping.  Most states 
aren't so funny.  But why take it out.  Leave it in your pocket (save when 
clearing the metal detector, of ocurse).


At 03:48 PM 10/18/01 -0700, Jamie Lawrence wrote:
>Sometime around  02:50 PM 10/18/2001 -0700, Steve Schear opined thusly:
> > 
> t/articles/101801/news.godfrey.shtml&back=
>Does anyone know the legal issues surrounding the act of taking
>a pocket tape recorder and recording at least my side of  this sort
>of transaction?
>I know what the likely result would be; I wondered if I had any
>obligation not to record anything I might happen to say while
>interacting with airport authorities.

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