Airlines - the newest members of the international community of nations.

Tim May tcmay at
Thu Oct 18 20:13:46 PDT 2001

On Thursday, October 18, 2001, at 03:06 PM, Black Unicorn wrote:

> From:
> a
> rticles/101801/news.godfrey.shtml&back=
> "'When a passenger passes through security, it is under the 
> jurisdiction of
> the airline. We dont get involved,' he says, adding that stories like
> Godfreys are likely to become increasingly common."
> Wow, I didn't realize airlines had law enforcement powers and
> "jurisdictions" akin to those of state actors.

A chilling story. It reports "patting down," interviews with the 
National Guard, police involvement, and multiple hours' worth of 
harassment...all for having a novel in his luggage.

Fuck is time for the empire to fall.

It talks a good game, but implements police state measures.

-Tim May
"The State is the great fiction by which everyone seeks to live at the 
expense of everyone else." --Frederic Bastiat

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