Anodyne for sore feet

Steve Furlong sfurlong at
Wed Oct 17 12:02:11 PDT 2001

keyser-soze at wrote:
> All that recent stepping on our civil liberties must have left more than a few of our Congressmen with tender feet.  I say we send them some Dr. Scholls relief.

Send them Dr Kopsch relief, instead.

(Kopsch was one of the inventors of the teflon-coated, bullet-proof
vest-defeating bullet.)

Several of our elected wonders (eg, Maryland Gov Glendening, or Tejada
et al in Rhode Island) are pushing for laws restricting the purchase,
ownership, or use of bullet-proof vests without a permit. These
proposals generally have exemptions for LEOs, judges, and, of course,
elected officials.

Steve Furlong    Computer Condottiere   Have GNU, Will Travel

"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly
while bad people will find a way around the laws." -- Plato

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