Who represents the detained? Nobody...

Anonymous anonymous at anonymizer.com
Wed Oct 17 14:40:00 PDT 2001

It's nice that there's a forum available to you 
where you are free to assert and assume whatever 
you wish, without the inconvenience of any 

>Naturally the thin legal fiction of having a lawyer technically
>representing you, no matter whether you've been able to speak with him

They were allowed to speak

>or exchange any useful information, 

How do you know what information was discussed?

>makes any brutal prison regime
>an acceptable one. No matter that the Washington Post article, which
>started this thread, did not say that all post-Sep.11 detainees have
>lawyers, and there is reason to believe some do not.

You are free to believe whatever you wish.  But that's not a
standard of proof that means anything.

Personal belief, supposition, unsubstantiated assertion.  
I'm glad we're not talking about anything like you'd
see in a star chamber or brutal prison regime.  Glad
you exhibit a pristine standard of evidence in
contrast to those you revile.  Hypocrite.

>On Wed, Oct 17, 2001 at 12:55:00PM -0700, Anonymous wrote:
>> >>>They HAVE representation, and I don't THINK the

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