Who represents the detained? Nobody...

Tim May tcmay at got.net
Mon Oct 15 20:16:56 PDT 2001

On Monday, October 15, 2001, at 07:56 PM, Anonymous wrote:

> You all, including Mr. May, missed the subtlety of the point that
> due process has NOT been suspended in the case of these detainees.
> They HAVE representation, and I don't THINK the Bill
> of Rights says anywhere that you get to see Mommy
> if you're arrested, but that you can obtain
> representation, you are not required to incriminate
> yourself, and so forth.  In theory.

Get a clue. The issue is not "get to see Mommy."

Rather, the issue is the holding of 600+ various persons, some of whom 
are very vaguely claimed to be "material witnesses."

An abuse of the Constitution. And I hope some large fraction of those 
600, when they are ultimately released because there are no grounds for 
indefinately imprisoning them, take up flight training.

-Tim Ma

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