Brown sugar and envelopes considered inflammatory

James B. DiGriz jbdigriz at
Sun Oct 14 08:44:12 PDT 2001

Morlock Elloi wrote:

> I wonder how long will the anthrax hysteria last. Repetitive stimulation yields
> diminished response over time. This is not to say that there is no danger - but
> perception of danger seldom has any relation to danger itself.

Ask the Afghans how long bomb hysteria lasts. They been dealing with 
them for a few decades now.

> The only way to protect from living organisms used as weapons (after all - life
> is a weapon) in the long run is immunity. Sooner or later any small determined
> group will be able to create some bug. I see no way that government can stop
> this - it's like trying to stop crypto or C coding. Will not happen.

That or genetic engineering, biotechnology, other advances in medicine 
and other fields. Brought about in no small measure to crypto and C 
coding, if only indirectly.

> Maybe the high density living that we are so used to is incompatible with new
> weapons. Maybe societal structures based on projectile-throwing weaponry are
> passe. New weapons always changed rules, and it was called progress.

Give me enough room for projectiles any day.

> One obvious advance is that using and defending from bugs requires more
> intelligence than pulling the trigger. This may be the main cause of Fear from
> WMD.

Putting whole societies in the line of fire of microbes is intelligent?

Like I've been saying, folks, get a fucking grip.



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