A REALLY DIFFERENT terrorist threat view.

Tim May tcmay at got.net
Sun Oct 14 08:37:01 PDT 2001

On Sunday, October 14, 2001, at 12:12 AM, Steve Schear wrote:

> Quite likely hogwash, but you may admit that science can be as 
> political as any profession and that some of the most important 
> breakthroughs in science were scorned by the establishment of their 
> time (e.g., plate tectonics).

Plate tectonics is a good example of a hypothesis that was

-- seriously debated by serious geologists

-- doubted by many of the older geologists, but not "scorned" in the 
same way Bearden's "time reversal" (to reverse aging and disease) and 
"free energy" (perpetual motion) theories are

-- most importantly, plate tectonics had several testable implications, 
which were, in fact, confirmed during the decade (1960s) of ferment  (by 
contrast, the mishmash of Bearden's theories have been around for 
several decades, with no confirmation...all it takes is just _one_ of 
his Takahashi or Kawai perpetual motion machines, which he claims have 
been suppressed, or one of the French anti-aging machines, which he also 
claims are suppressed)

The major doubters of plate tectonics were convinced by the late 60s, as 
evidence from sea floor spreading came in. (One of my geology profs was 
Preston Cloud, an old-timer who did much of the work on the Cretacious 
extinction. He had a lot of insights about how plate tectonics became 
accepted...I took one of his seminars in 1973. The lessons dovetailed 
nicely with Kuhn and Popper.)

The "new physics" stuff is quite different. It is scorned in a way that 
plate tectonics was not, and for good reason. Folks should visit 
Bearden's site. http://www.cheniere.org/correspondence/index.html

Lots of hilarious stuff about underground bases, weather modification, 
perpetual motion, the downing of the "Challenger," Tesla physics, 
space-time curvature, Kawai engines, reversing aging by using phase 
conjugate optics to force time to go backwards, and the usual crap about 
suppression of new theories.

Basically, if you've seen the Mel Gibson movie "Conspiracy Theory," this 
guy Bearden is the Mel Gibson character.

> A physicist who has spent some time in  this told field me that 
> Jefimenko's book is brilliant but it has been mostly ignored by many in 
> the scientific establishment.


--Tim May
"Gun Control: The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and
strangled with her panty hose,  is somehow morally superior to a woman 
explaining to police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound"

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