[BIOWAR] BACKROUND - Misc research results (fwd)

Eugene Leitl Eugene.Leitl at lrz.uni-muenchen.de
Fri Oct 12 21:59:49 PDT 2001

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2001 03:33:46 +0000
From: John Davies <journalist-north at blueyonder.co.uk>
To: biowar at topica.com
Subject: [BIOWAR]  BACKROUND - Misc research results

Search of- Anthrax vaccine Y1998


Article 1 of 1, Article ID: 9802230212
Published on February 20, 1998
A former Aryan Nations member and a Nevada man are charged in Las Vegas
with possessing a deadly biological agent suspected to be anthrax.Larry
Wayne Harris, 45, and William J. Leavitt Jr., 47, were arrested late
Wednesday by FBI agents who had followed them to a medical clinic near
Las Vegas.Federal authorities said Thursday they are not sure whether
the two men had an intended target of the germ-warfare agent.Harris, a
45-year-old microbiologist from Ohio, was an Aryan Nations member when
he w

Complete Article, 1094 words ( )

MORE ON HARRIS (Columbus, Ohio - 1998):


(report commentary - in part)...There's another factor the
administration forgot about until one day too late, although it's a safe
bet everybody in the audience at St. John Arena remembered: A mere 35
miles as the crow flies from Albright's armchair sits the home
laboratory of Larry Wayne Harris, "the Plague Man." Since his first
arrest in 1995 for possession of the plague virus, Harris has been
aggressively peddling his martrydom throughout central Ohio. As a
result, Columbusites know exactly what a working bio-war lab looks like.
It's the overcrowded kitchen of a white-shingled bungalow three blocks
from downtown Lancaster....

(Harris - quoted)..."Everything I told you about biologicals last spring
is still true," he told a reporter, "except for one thing. I said the
militias didn't have their own biologicals. Now, they do."...

(background to this story) Mimi Morris and Michael Weber are
investigative journalists based in Columbus. They are associate
producers for "The War Within the States," a documentary on the far
right anti-government movement currently in development by James Neff
Productions for Oregon Public Broadcasting. Reporting for this piece was
underwritten in part by a grant from the Dick Goldensohn Fund.



Anthrax suspects Larry Wayne Harris and William Job Leavitt profiled

(except fotr the following notes - text removed for brevity)

LAS VEGAS (February 20, 1998 3:30 p.m. EST http://www.nando.net) -- One
is a self-styled expert on germ warfare with a felony record and a high
profile among America's right-wing counterculture. The other is
apparently a stranger to publicity, living in a remote desert town near
Lake Mead with his wife and three children and operating a fire-safety


...The FBI says Leavitt owns microbiological laboratories in his
hometown of Logandale, Nev., and Frankfurt, Germany....


Case Study 3

Dead Cattle, Bloated, with Epistaxis

(There are eight interactive questions and answer in this case study -
see what you know (or don't) about b Anthraxcis)

(an interesting 8 point case study mentioning, at the end, the
Harris/Leavitt case)


EXTRACT (after Harris arrest):

Lead line: The terror at home

The arrest of two men in Las Vegas on charges of carrying stocks of the
anthrax virus highlights how easy it is to make weapons of mass
destruction. And to some terrorism experts, that's a lot scarier than
Saddam Hussein.

BY JEFF STEIN | Call him Dr. Death.

(most text removed for brevity - a specifically interesting part however

...Coincidentally, the Pentagon planned to start making a training film
Friday on handling anthrax for local police, fire and medical units.
Anthrax is easy to make, the Pentagon found more than 30 years ago, when
it conducted secret experiments to see if non-scientists could assemble
biological weapons from textbooks and readily available materials, Salon
has learned.

"There were studies in the '50s and '60s where they took people who were
not microbiologists and not engineers that showed they could very
successfully carry out things," a government source said. "They had two
tasks before them: They had to create a biological weapon, and they had
to disperse it. And they could do it."

Thomas Dashiell, who in 1988 retired as director of the Pentagon's
Environmental and Life Sciences office, said he knew of Pentagon studies
in the 1970s that tried to determine how easy it would be for
non-experts to manufacture poisonous weapon, based on publicly available

"And yes, there was no question about it," Dashiell told Salon. "In
fact, there was a report that said, 'Oh, yeah.'"

The Pentagon quickly suppressed the study, Dashiell said. "It was an
unclassified research effort," he said. "However, the final report was
immediately classified, because they did not want to give a cookbook to
every terrorist in the country." ...


Search of- Anthrax vaccine Y1999


Article 1 of 1, Article ID: 9910130051
Published on October 13, 1999
Congress is likely to order two new studies of the vaccine being used by
the military to protect U.S. troops against anthrax.Lawmakers are
suggesting the Pentagon is ``less than forthcoming'' when it says
reaction to the shots was small and they have no impact on troop
readiness.But a joint House-Senate committee has rejected a proposal by
U.S. Rep. George Nethercutt that the shots be voluntary until the new
studies prove the vaccine is safe.Nethercutt said he proposed the
unusual move toward vo

Complete Article, 657 words ( )

Search of- Anthrax vaccine Y2000


Article 1 of 1, Article ID: 0004050002
Published on April 5, 2000
Researchers don't know enough about anthrax vaccine to say whether it's
safe to inoculate all U.S. troops, a panel of medical experts says in a
new report to Congress.The Institute of Medicine reviewed studies of the
effects of the vaccine on patients and found the information lacking,
researchers said.The institute was hired after Congress backed away last
year from a proposal to make anthrax shots voluntary for the 2.4 million
troops who were scheduled to receive them over the next five years

Complete Article, 919 words ( )

Search of- Anthrax vaccine Y2001


Article 1 of 2, Article ID: 0110010105
Published on October 1, 2001
Firm prepares for a different kind of war Hollister-Stier aids effort to
stockpile anthrax vaccine
A Spokane pharmaceutical company is taking on a key role in preparing
the U.S. military for possible biological attack by
terrorists.Hollister-Stier, along with the nation's only producer of
anthrax vaccine, is ramping up efforts to stockpile the vaccine for
later use by U.S. troops. Hollister-Stier has been hired by BioPort of
Lansing, Mich., to fill at least 40,000 vials of anthrax vaccine per
month.Last May, BioPort started trucking anthrax vaccine made in
Michigan to the Hollister-Stier labs

Complete Article, 1251 words ( )


Article 2 of 2, Article ID: 0105300146
Published on May 30, 2001
Spokane's Hollister-Stier gets pact for anthrax vaccine
A Spokane company will become the primary order-filler for vaccine
against anthrax, considered the world's most dangerous biological
warfare threat against U.S. troops.Hollister-Stier CEO Anthony Bonanzino
announced Tuesday a long-term contract with a Michigan-based firm to
fill anthrax vaccine at the company's north Spokane
facility.Hollister-Stier for years has been one of the country's largest
producers of allergy vaccines and other allergen products.The anthrax
vaccine order is part of the c

Complete Article, 486 words ( )


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