House update on anti-terror bills: Look out

mmotyka at mmotyka at
Fri Oct 12 10:04:25 PDT 2001

Declan McCullagh <declan at> wrote :
> From a House staffer:
>>Friends, less than 20 minutes ago the House leadership announced we would 
>>be considering the Senate bill which has none of the privacy protections 
>>that Bob Barr and others worked to put in the House bill an contains 
>>language attacking financial privacy and even allowing the government 
>>expanded access to educational records. Votes on the rule are expected 
>>soon and killing the rule is the best way to kill this bill.
Perfectly understandable actions on the part of our "representatives"
considering that they panicked a month ago and haven't been in their
right minds since - most of them anyway. Feingold and Barr seem to be
more stable than the average bear.

The totally infuriating part is that it will take decades to undo the
damage they're doing in a few short weeks.


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