Feingold amendment text URL (was Re: CDT: congressional action call - before Friday morning, October 12, 2001)

Declan McCullagh declan at well.com
Thu Oct 11 15:40:29 PDT 2001

Ah, understood.

The problem is that the Senate is going to be debating the bill -- and the 
amendments -- in an hour or two. :)


At 06:24 PM 10/11/01 -0400, Michael Clark wrote:
>Unfortunately within only a few hours of having the information posted 
>online, I was told that the fact sheet and the amendments were already out 
>of date, so I should remove the information. I hope to have new 
>information Friday morning, which is an eternity I realize. I'll post it 
>as soon as I get it.  Michael

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