Fwd: RE: who wants to be a millionaire

mattd mattd at useoz.com
Wed Oct 10 16:39:14 PDT 2001

Sandy wrote- ...Please back up your supposition. > As sandy is such a 
doubting thomas... Nope, I just know more than you : D

>> > The suppostition is that AP can work without
>> > violence and even without payment,Many will
>> > never believe that possible That doesnt mean
>> > its impossible.Im sure you know more than me
>> > so dont write me again please,thanks.
>>Okay, you stay off the list and I won't write to you.  Okay?
>>  S a n d y  "streetsweeper"
>Ill stay off the list when all the spam and govt agents stay off it,have 
>you written to them?mattd.

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